Thursday, September 15, 2011

Relax...and just wait

Normal pregnancy lasts from 37 - 42 weeks, and beyond!  Late preterm birth is premature birth that occurs between 34 - 36 or 37 weeks.  It can be prevented.  The last few weeks of pregnancy can be very uncomfortable for mothers, but waiting for labour to begin naturally and spontaneously offers your baby his best chance of a healthy life.  Please, be patient, relax, and just wait.

Prematurity Awareness Day is November 17th. To learn more about premature birth and late preterm birth, and what you can do to help, please visit the March of Dimes.

1 comment:

  1. I want every woman who says "I just want the baby to come now" to see this. I watched this video and throughout thought, "these are the big babies" they had 8 weeks longer to develope than my son, weighed more than double, and had short hospital stays (ours was almost 100 days). I would have given anything for a normal birth and less pain for him. Thank-you for sharing this Michelle.


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