Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Half Way!! Ultrasound Experience

Well at this point in my pregnancy I am 20 weeks and 1 day. At the half way mark!

My husband has been feeling the baby kick on a regular basis now and loves to poke my belly and wait and see if the baby responds. I am happy to feel some movement everyday. It's that one thing that I know will brighten my day.

Today I started my day by having some breakfast and then drinking a ton of water. I have no idea why they say you must drink that much water before an ultrasound but I must say it is crazy! It was extremely uncomfortable to sit with a full bladder and wait to get in for the ultrasound. At one point I looked at my husband and told him I couldn't wait any more and I just had to pee. My eyes started filling with tears as the cramping and pain felt unbearable. My husband hugged me and to help me keep my mind off of it played I spy. I know crazy game to play while waiting to see your baby for the first time on an ultrasound but it just helped me keep my mind off the fact that I was extremely uncomfortable.

Once the ultrasound technician came and got us the excitement once again took over. He could tell my bladder was really full so he just took the pictures that he needed to while my bladder was full. Then he let me empty my bladder and come back and enjoy the rest of the ultrasound.

We got to see everything! And according to the measurements our baby is 20 weeks and 2 days! Very close to what we initially thought. Our little one is weighing in at 12oz. The ultrasound technician told us that everything is looking good. Our baby was on the move the whole time throughout the ultrasound. Moving his/her hands and arms all the time. We saw our baby open it's hands and close it's hands and even put it's arm in front of it's face. We also saw the heart. It was very surreal to watch it beat, 144bpm.

I could have sat there for hours!! My husband and I walked out of there super excited. Seeing our little one on an ultrasound for the first time was amazing. There are no words to describe the feeling you get when you watch the little one inside of you moving about. Also a huge relief just to know that everything seems to be developing well.

We were hoping to find out the sex of our baby but the ultrasound technician would not tell us. So now it will be a long two days while we wait until Friday comes! On Friday we are expecting a call from our doctor to tell us what the gender is. At this point my husband is predicting boy, and as for me I am not really sure. Boy or girl it doesn't even matter. We will be thrilled with either. But we are excited to do some shopping on Friday before we head to Victoria on Saturday for our honeymoon!

Thanks for following this pregnancy journey with us! We are enjoying every minute of it. On Friday I will try to write a quick blog to let everyone know the gender of our baby and hopefully post an ultrasound picture. Although there is no way to predict for sure what the sex of our baby is it would be great to hear everyone's predictions! :)


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