Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Labour Support Survey

We would like to help you achieve your desires for childbirth. Knowing a little about your previous experiences gives us insight on how best to support you. We have put together a brief anonymous survey on prior birth experiences and labour support. Please take a moment to complete the survey!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Limits, Standards and Ethics

As a birth doula, I am not considered a medical professional; therefore, I can provide medical information, but never medical advice.  I respect the professionals I work with including midwives, doctors, nurses, childbirth educators, lactation consultants and other doulas.  I abide by the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of my training organization.  If you have any questions regarding the standards I practice by, please email me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

DOULA! The Ultimate Birth Companion

Coming June 2010, a new film about the role of the birth doula! Enjoy the following preview!

April is Cesarean Awareness Month

The following video contains images of cesarean surgical births.  For more information on cesarean birth awareness and vaginal birth after cesarean, please visit the International Cesarean Awareness Network.

Call for guest blogger(s)

From Womb to Cradle Doula Services, Inc. is looking for a guest blogger to write about their experience working with a doula during pregnancy and birth. Moms, dads, partners, grandparents all welcome! If you are interested in writing for the blog, please send us an email at with a brief description of your story.  Please be advised, discrimination or slander will not be allowed.   Bloggers can chose to remain anonymous.

If we get several applicants, we make make this a series, so send us your story today!